Fringe: Hyde

Push Physical Theater of Rochester New York presents Hyde at the Orlando International Fringe Festival. Hyde is being staged at the large Peach venue in the Orlando Family Theater.

As the performer was introducing the show he got a phone call from his mom who was late to the performance. He held a finger up to put the audience on hold and tried to convince his mom that she should be able to use google maps to find the venue. Visibly shaken he handed off his phone to someone in the audience and told them to get on stage and hand it back the phone should it ring.

A dynamic immersive physical performance began where he was tumbling with another performer. At the height of the piece, the phone rang and the audience member ran on stage to hand the phone back. The mom on the phone wanted to turn back, she had already missed too much of the show. The performer was crushed. He asked if there were any mothers in the audience and needed to know if there love for their child was unconditional. What would Hyde’s mother be like?

In the recesses of the stage, illuminated in a green light, a mother sat opposite her son who looked sunken and devastated. She slowly got up and walked behind him and put her hand on his shoulder and leaned over to rest her forehead on his head. Cut to black.

The PUSH Company engages with undeserved populations in areas of some of the highest  poverty rates and little access to the arts. The show abstractly addressed an underlying cause gun violence in America. Americans seem content to ignore gun violence until it happens in their back yard, even then thoughts an prayers are offered and nothing is done. Physical theater is being used to try and wrap its arms around the root causes of violence. If people have a creative outlet, they might not need a gun.

Hyde is rated 13 and up. The show is one hour long and tickets are $15.

Remaining show times:

  • Wednesday May 22, 6:00pm
  • Friday May 24, 7:10pm
  • Saturday May 25, 2:10pm
  • Sunday May 26, 8:00pm