COVID Dystopia: I saw the children screaming

This shot in COVID Dystopia shows children are fully animated running up Omaha Beach. In the film, at speed it is really impossible to see that the bullets flying across the screen are actually virus’.

The illustrations freeze a moment in time giving the viewer a moment to think and reflect. In the film the shot is over in less than a second giving a panicked feeling that children are in danger.

A recent study has shown that even mild COVID infections are causing permanent scaring to children’s brains and vascular systems. Such permanent damage is internal and therefor easy to ignore for the average American. COVID has been quietly destroying children’s immune response to all viruses.

Measles is making a comeback in Florida. This is another airborne virus which is the most contagious respiratory virus known. It had been eradicated, but the rise of the anti-vax movement means that it is making a comeback. In 2020 about 120 million children did not receive the measles vaccine. Healthcare is stepping back into the dark ages. I am hopeful that some people might take Measles seriously because this virus causes visible scaring on children’s skin. If the damage is visible it might be noticed. Then again most will accept measles scars as the “New Normal.” About 1 to 3 of every 1,000 children who become infected with measles will die from respiratory and neurological complications.