COVID Dystopia: Rush Home

This scene had depth using Volumax, but no animation. Since everyone is stuck waiting, I doubt animation is needed. The fast pan plays down ability to notice the depth. I might just see what the scene looks like if I use the ZOE depth effect. My assumption is that the result will be very similar.

I am NYC right now and maybe 1% if the people are masked. We are coming down from the second largest wave of the pandemic right now and yet most people want to believe the pandemic is over. Over 8000 Americans died from COVID in December 2024 and that is not counting those who died of vascular diseases, organ damage and other complications caused by the virus.

NYC suffered more that any other place in America at the start of the pandemic. The image above is of people rushing back into NYC from Europe when it was announced that flights into the country would be suspended. There was an opportunity to contain the virus and eradicate it but governments fumbled that ball. The biological weapon continues to spread and people are actually being encouraged to get infected and to infect others. The world population of 8 billion people is being culled. Heath care in this country is reverting back into the dark ages.