COVID Dystopia: I Watched from a Distance

In this shot the sculptor leans forward to perfect a tiny detail in his living room sand sculpture. This scene is of course based on a scene in First Encounters where the protagonist suddenly feels the urge to sculpt Devils Tower Butte in his living room. Such an obsession put a strain on his relationship since his wife and children were sure he was going mad. Such a strain exists inn my own life since COVID Dystopia points out that the shy is falling although people have been sold on the idea that life has returned to normal.

So for now, this crazy artist is looking for an apartment which will become the studio where work continues. I have started contacting theaters again to start sketching rehearsals for productions. As production winds down, I am searching for my bearings to figure out what is next in my artistic journey. I suspect I am loosing a best friend in part because I remain steadfastly COVID cautious.