COVID Dystopia: Mask Waste

The animation of the turtle in this scene required some adjustment. I had the turtle open its mouth at the end as if it were going to eat the mask floating in the water. I held that drawing for just two frames. Transitions between shots all consist of fast zoom effects and in the final edit the open mouth got lost in the transition.

I decided I had to go back and make sure the open mouth held for at least six frames. Six frames is about the amount of time needed for anyone to notice something in a film. Sure enough the open mouth is now noticeable. Many of the shots in the film cut right at the moment something terrible is about to happen.

I have added about six shots with the new ZOE depth feature to the film. This new tech allows for the camera to truly truck towards the subject. I might use the feature a few more times. This turtle scene worked as it is however.

Each morning I watch the film and jot down things that could use improvement. Pam said she thinks I will be tweaking the film until I am 100. This morning I am down to five tweaks. There might be a few more but I am very close to calling the film a wrap.

This leaves me wondering what new direction I should take in 2024. I don’t think I should continue the COVID series although the pandemic is still ongoing. People will not listen since they want to believe life has returned to “normal.” That new normal comes with accepting over 1000 COVID deaths a day along with rising Long COVID Disability.

I was pleased to get an e-mail form Ambetter, my health care provider advising to get a COVID vaccine and test if sick. The saccharine photo of a mom, child and doctor had everyone in baggy blue surgical masks like those shown in this illustration. The child was shown in a useless cloth mask. There was no mention of well fitted respirators like N95 masks or social distancing. Medical messaging remains in the dark ages.

Documenting politics and the collapse of society will date my work. Forcing my way back into crowded theaters to sketch doesn’t have much appeal, since I have no desire to sit among a mask less crowd. Perhaps I can only focus on acting companies who allow me to sketch rehearsals. I remain a COVID virgin, but it takes some sacrifice to remain that way.