COVID Dystopia: DeathSantis Office

This image shows the DeathSantis Office scene from two views. On the left is a view of the scene from above. The purple box shows the full depth of the office. The lighter lines show the planes of the Governor held cell, the hand animation and the microphone held cell.

The office depth was created with the ZOE Depth freeware online. I left the coffin and all the patients in the depth information. Having a patients feet so close to the foreground resulted in a very limited ability to move the camera before things got highly distorted. I ended up doing a very subtle truck in with the camera to focus attention on the Governor.

Having discovered this ZOE Depth tool so late in the process means I will only be using it in a few shots. So far I have applied it to two shots where I was adding animation anyway. The next shot I am considering is a freezer truck morgue where I might animate the prisoners who were in charge of disposing of bodies at the time. The deep freezer truck interior should be a perfect place to apply this depth.