About a weeks worth of animating flashes by in a little over a second of film time. Adding the laser beam blast helped in two ways, it gave some solid reasoning behind the animation I added of the woman looking over her shoulder as she ran, and the horizontal bean cuts nicely with the next shot of the former president behind crime scene tape tweeting.
The last fay of animating got easier as I just had to bob the crowd in the background up and down as they ran forward since their legs and arms are seldom seen. When each person was animated I then painted them with all the foreground runners in place so that I just needed to add a few random brash strokes to touch each frame up.
I also animated the stimulus check scene which just involved tilting the rats head down a bit. I think I will start animating a scene where a line of hazmat suited men clean up after a Times Square New Year’s celebration. That will involve animating each man individually as they walk heroically towards the camera.