I started setting up this shot for animation. The plan is to only animate the couple taking one step forward. Of course everyone in the crowd would be walking, but I want to draw attention to the couple by only moving them. I didn’t complete the animation since I was in a car ride down to Key West. I taught my animation class from the back seat of the car and found I could not do decent drawings with the car bumping and swerving. I also started getting car sick trying to draw.
Instead I animated a much simpler scene for the students with a ball and cube animation. I could cut and paste the shapes which meant I only had to do accurate drawings once. I did the sketches at stop lights. My students are doing some amazing work.
I plan to work on this scene today from the Bed and Breakfast. The man in the foreground is on another level so that the girl can animate and disappear behind his arm a bit. The scene is only 25 frames so I have about 13 drawings to do.