Pandemic Film: Wacky Wavy

In 2021 they literally lined up wacky wavy tube arm men in Times Square since crowds could not gather.This shot in the film seemed fine, but Pam really wanted to see the tube arms wave. I found out that there is something called pin puppet animation in Adobe After Effects. The icon looks like a push pin at the top of the screen. With that tool selected I could place the yellow markers on the layer I wanted to animate. Tube arms seemed like they should be an esy way to learn how to use the tool.

As always I messed up the first several times but persistence pays. The main problem I was having was that I could not find a way to ease in and ease out of the keyframes. A tutorial pointed out that the keyboard shortcut for the tool I wanted was F9 on the keyboard. Well of course my keyboard does not have an F9 key. Since the shot is less than a second long, I decided to get around the issue by simply not stopping an arm wave during the shot. This works since there isn’t time to see the arm accelerate of decelerate if I cut on the movement.

The arms move a bit slow for my taste, but I accepted the shot as is so I could move onto the next shot. In the next shot I will find that darn ease in option come hell or high water. I will be rendering the film tonight or tomorrow night and I suspect that will be it’s own form of torture.