COVID: Shot 4

This shot consists of 5 rows of audience members. Each row was isolated by erasing the audience behind them. Each row then had to be touched up so that they might appear as the camera zoomed in. Sometime I had to make judgement calls about who was in what row. For instance is the guy picking his nose in the second row of the third row? The right choice could make or break the scene. The cool effect I learned was to arrange the layers in a three dimensional space in After Effects sort of like the multiple curtain wings on a theater stage.

I could then simply animate the camera moving it forward and up or down as needed to get a string sense of parallax. If I wanted I could also add depth maps to each layer which would make for instance the knees appear closer to the camera but for such a quick shot I felt that was overkill.

I spent my birthday adding closed captions to the film since someone made that request. It turned out that was a more challenging process than I expected. It look two tries but I got it done.

COVID is now going viral on youTube, you can see the entire film here.