After three days of messing with this shot in After Effects, I managed to get the layers arranged in deep space and the camera set up. Once this critical set was working right, I could focus on just adding animation key frames for the beginning and end of this zoom in shot. Once I had this shot complete I could import the finished composition in to the Premiere Pro video editing program.
Once in the video editing program I could see how this shot compared to the other shots which zoom in at the start of the film. I decided that the zoom was too slow and not extreme enough, so I returned to After Effects and changed the camera position at the end of the scene. The great thing is that the footage then automatically updated in the video editing program and I could quickly view it in sequence again.
With this shot complete, I then worked on the other shots to perfect the camera moves for those as well. What had taken days because I couldn’t locate the tools, was now taking hours. Each day I continue to watch tutorials during lunch to learn new keyboard short cuts. I might now understand maybe 20% of the interface and there is 80% left to learn before I really start cooking with gas.
The shots I am trying to complete are far more complex than the simplistic tutorials I am watching, so I am trying to find ways to push the limits of what can be done with what I know so far.