COVID Hairy Tongue

The New York Times reported that There might be some COVID symptoms you have not heard about. Pandemic minimizes love to claim that the virus is no worse than a cold of flu. They are mistaken. COVID can manifest in strange and unexpected ways, such as pins and needles, purple toes and hairy tongue syndrome. These symptoms are less common but very real.

A loss of taste and smell was a confusing symptom from early in the pandemic. Other unexpected symptoms have included, ringing in their ears, sore eyes, rashes, red welts on their faces or lips, hair loss and unusual joint pains. So why do some people develop these rare symptoms? She short answer is that no one really knows. It is thought that the virus may get into the blood stream of some people and then harm other organs other than the lungs. Some think that simple stress of a COVID infection may result in such symptoms as hair loss.

Tongue cells are supposed to replace themselves often. In rare cases older cells linger forming a thick fuzzy growth across the tongues surface. The growth may be accompanied by a burning sensation in the mouth. A tongue scraper is then needed to trim back the growth on the tongue’s surface. The condition, with proper oral hygiene it believed to be temporary.