Cone of Shame

This is Sprout‘s enclosure for now while he recovers. We finally went a whole day without his wound opening up. The vet supplied this plastic cone to keep him from getting at the stitched leg.

The cone freaks him out. He keeps bumping it up against the cage and we discovered that he can not drink from his water  bowl while it is on. Pam ordered an inflatable neck cone which resembles an airplane pillow. It is rather large and makes him look like he has a lions mane. It doesn’t restrict his movements as much or freak him out and he can drink from his dish. We take it off any time we are there watching him now. but it goes back on when we leave the room.

He was very restless this first day. He would lie down then get up then lie down again over and over. He was never comfortable. Pam got in the enclosure with him and kept him company for much of the afternoon. Donkey lay outside his enclosure jealous that he was getting so much attention. Friends got him several stuffed toys and this was the first time Donkey could not steal them from him and destroy them.

Pam put a bath mat down so he cant slip on the wooden floor. he spends most of his time on the dog bed sleeping now and Pam brings him outside alone when it is bathroom time. Donkey gets locked in the back bedroom so she can not terrorize him when he goes outside. She had been rather good about his confinement although she still lusts for his stuffed animal.

Sprout is finally on the road to recovery. Over time he will be going to hydro therapy and short walks to start getting using the surgically patched knee.