Art Class

Dog Powered Robot rehearsals were held in this art classroom. Christie Miga taught art classes here and I decided to stop by to see a class in action. This was before I started sketching at Elite Animation Academy and it was while sketching this class in actin that I decided it was inspiring to see kids creating using pencil and paper. One of the instructors actually posed for the students and it was great t see them step up to the challenge and sketch her as she sat in her chair. Kids don’t accept limitations. If you suggest they try creating something, they create something.

It is only when kids get older that they start to feel like they aren’t doing sketches accurately enough. I on the other hand keep striving to get back some of the childhood innocence and directness each time I do a sketch. Inspiring kids to catch the world around them by sketching is a challenge but sometimes it feels so good to see a kid embrace old technology as a way to slow down and truly experience the world.