Bubble Gum Party blows up the Brown Venve.

The Bubble Gum Party is a splash of color at this year’s Orlando International Fringe Festival. The  Silver Dollar Productions singing trio consists of Robbie Bubble (dad),
Debbie Bubble (mom), and
Abby Bubble (daughter). They sing sugar sweet pop songs with a twist. The show stars Summer AielloSarah French, and Keven Kriegel. The book and lyrics are by Kevin and Sarah, and the music by Ned Wilkinson. I met the cast briefly before the show and Kevin gave me a “Blow Me!” button that I proudly sport on my art bag. Blue Estrella had invited me to the show.

The show is billed a wholesome family fun, yet every song has hilarious double meanings. As the poster says, “Fun for the whole family” and “Not suitable for children”. Sarah was adorable as the child in this high octane Partridge family. Dad dropped hint after hint that he enjoys a muscular mans body while Debbie seemed oblivious to his wandering lust. Sarah announced that she likes “sexting” but to her that is any text with some hip urban attitude.

Every song in the show was laugh out loud funny and the audience was on there feet clapping and dancing. The show began with Sarah shouting out to the audience, “Who’s been to a Bubble Gum Party before!” The audience sat silent. “Well who hasn’t been to a Bubble Gum Party before!” The audience cheered. “Yay!” From that moment on, the energy never dropped. Abby wondered how many bubble gum balls she could fit in her mouth.  Debbie thought two balls were enough for her, but Robbie could fit or dreamed of fitting far more. What followed was a fun hour of laughter and sexual innuendo. I laughed so hard, that at times it was hard to draw.

The sock puppets that represented stereo typical racial types made me a bit uncomfortable but they were so un-pc that I had to laugh.  Robbie held a guitar but clearly couldn’t play. Perhaps this was a poke at lip syncing divas. This boisterous family did however know how to sing into their brightly colored mics! If you love laughter and having a good time, this is the show for you.

Bubble Gum Party

Remaining show times:

Friday May 22,  9:45pm to 10:45pm

Saturday May 23, 3:15pm to 4:15pm

Sunday May 24,  3:15pm to 4:15pm

Venue: Brown (Shakes former Philharmonic rehearsal space)

Rating: 13+

Length: 60 minutes 

Tickets: $9