Dickson Azalea Park

Dickson Azalea Park (100 Rosegarden Drive) is in full bloom. I couldn’t resist sketching on a sunny afternoon sitting in the dappled shade. Church bells in the distance clanged incessantly. The park was full of Azalea bushes blooming vibrant magenta, pink, red and white. When it came time to sketch however, I became fascinated with the huge moss covered roots of a live oak tree. The roots were exposed because a stream had washed away the dirt. Roots clutched and twisted, trying to reach out for new found ground. Fresh green shoots burst vibrant green on the opposite bank in direct sunlight.

I seldom do intimate studies like this. I’m usually preoccupied with sketching quick glimpses of events around town. Yet sitting and observing nature has its place. This cropped in vantage point began to feel abstract as I worried less about what I was painting and I got lost in how I was painting. I could learn much from slowing down more often and focusing on subtle intimate details instead of events.

One thought on “Dickson Azalea Park

  1. Love your painting, love the park and your description. Despise the idea of a concrete sidewalk five feet wide ruining the unspoilt beauty of this natural, historic landscape. City Hall Orlando needs to wake up and see the history.

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