Tiny Home Orlando

This sketch was done as a demo for a student. Sketches done for students are usually done much faster and with full knowledge that I will not have time to put the usual amount of detail into the sketch.

Most students want to do many sketches with little detail. This is a rare example therefor of how one of my sketches start before I put in detail and layers washes of color. Color is applied in large washes that gradually get smaller with each pass.

The simple building is a tiny house outside of the Orlando Science Center. It has solar panels on the roof. I have looked at tiny homes as a studio option. I would have to get my giant Disney animation desk inside somehow. Part of me thinks the tiny home might topple over once the desk throws off the balance.

I am looking around for a place to live and I look at homes in just about every state to get a feel for what I need in a home studio. One priority is large windows with northern light. For some reason I am finding myself drawn to homes with red metal roofs. I am also finding I like rustic cabins with either mountain views of a creek nearby. What I seem to want is a fortress of solitude, but within driving distance of a community with a thriving arts scene.