9/11: Falling Man

On 9/11 when the Twin Towers were attacked by terrorists, New Yorkers gathered to watch in horror as the top floors burned. Some people went into local shops and bought up all the portable cameras to bear witness.

On the top floors windows were broken open to let out smoke and people faced the choice of being burnt alive or jumping. Many chose to jump. Richard Drew shot photos as one man fell. How many photos can be shot before the inevitable impact?

Photos like these were not shared widely on national media. What most people saw was a long shot as the towers burned and then fell. Americans don’t witness death. It is instead ignored and denied. 900,000 graves have been dug so far due to COVID. People protest for their freedoms rather than find ways to help the family’s who have been irreparably devastated because of this virus. Misinformation and ignorance continue to kill as the latest wave  subsides. We are all falling.