24 at the Renaissance

24 is set in a 1920s speakeasy. An email arrived that gave the secret password to be given at the door. I met Seth and Genevieve in the line to get in. They didn’t get the email, so I filled them in on the Latin password. Genevieve memorized the password immediately but I forgot it the second I told them.

Security is tight at the Renaissance Theater Company, 415 E Princeton St, Orlando, FL . I didn’t bring my art bag since bags are not allowed. I just brought my iPad. Getting through the metal detector with all my change, pencils, phone, keys, wallet and iPad took some time. We were all issued bright green arm bands.

Once inside I masked up. I was one of two who did. At the foot of a tall staircase we were introduced to the mantra of mother. A woman complained bitterly about the religious fervor of mother and the endless debauchery we were about to experience. Then we entered a laundry. The man behind the counter lamented the recent violence in the city. I was in his line of sight and he called me over. He asked if I wished to place an order. Since I didn’t know what he was talking about I said “no.” He told me to step aside and asked the next guest the same question. That person said “no” and was told to stand beside me. Finally the third person said “yes” and whispered the secret password in the mans ear. They were let into the venue through a beaded curtain. The laundry machines were actually doors to back rooms. I had to scan a code with my phone to get more words of wisdom from mother.

I was allowed in and sat at a table in the corner which was marked with my name. The woman seated beside me looked stunning in her vintage flapper dress. Quite a few woman had taken the trouble to dig out their flapper dresses and bejeweled headbands. A six piece band provided the music though I never caught sight of them. The singing was stellar. The show itself featured some fast paced dancing mixed with dark undertones. The dancers were in constant motion so I only ventures to capture a few fast gestures. Detail had to be lost. I switched my attention to the large vagina scrawled on the wall. Though celebrating sensuality there were was also resistance and counter protest.

Overall it was a mysterious and jubilant evening. A group of people tried to exit the way we came in. It turns out that lead to a backstage maze. The actual exit was at the back of the venue.