
Rebounderz (408 South Ronald Regan Boulevard, Longwood) his an indoors trampoline arena with 7,460 square feet of rebounding surfaces. The trampolines not only cover the whole floor, but also the walls. This was my second time going to Rebounderz. Katie Windish first told me about Rebounderz, and I finally went, thanks to a facebook invite from Amanda Chadwick. The first time I went, I didn’t do a sketch, I simply jumped for as long as my body would allow me. You rent shoes just like in a bowling alley and are given a wrist band with a number which allows the staff to know how long you have been bounding. I was given a quick series of lessons from one of the “referees”. I was taught how to roll and advised against landing straight legged on any of the green mats. I was told that if I wanted to do somersaults, I should ask for more advice. I had no intention of doing somersaults.
I limited my activity to bounding straight up and down trying to gain more height by throwing my arms up as well. Within ten minutes I was exhausted. I tried bounding off the walls, but I tended to just go splat and then slide straight down till I found myself seated on one of the mats. While seated I watched one guy bounce off a wall and then bound off the floor trampoline and complete the circuit by bounding off the other center pyramid shaped trampolines.
During the course of doing this sketch two girls had to be helped out of the room being supported by a friend and one of the referees. They hopped on one leg just like a football player being guided off the field. I don’t know how serious their injuries were. You might notice that the line work in this sketch is a lot more hectic than usual. That is because when seated on the green mat, I would be violently bounced around anytime someone bounced on the trampoline in front of me. Rather than loose patience, I simply learned to stop drawing when they bounced and then put down a quick pen stroke before they bounced again.
How often is it that you get to do something completely new? Rebounderz was certainly a new experience for me, and it is a really good workout.