Follow Up

This morning I went to the hospital for a follow up meeting to see how I have recovered from the Laser Enucleation of the Prostate with Morcellation Bladder Botox. The procedure is a minimally invasive procedure that uses pulses of laser beam to remove tissue from the inside of the prostate, which surrounds the urethra (the tube leading from the bladder to the urinary opening). The waiting room was empty.

The first day of recovery, I was peeing blood while I was in the hospital. The procedure to be released was a whole day affair, and by the end of the day I had stopped peeing blood. More importantly I was peeing like a race horse rather than the trickle I had to endure prior to the operation. Prior to the operation my PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) was 128 and after the operation it went down to 65. Prior to surgery my prostate was the size of a softball and it strangled the urethra making it difficult to pee. After surgery I was told my prostate was the size of a chestnut or what you might expect in a 35 year old.

My recovery has been swift but I was told that epithelial cells still need to grow inside the bladder. Until that healing happens, I still need to get up several times each evening. My hope is that healing will continue.