“Dive-In” Movie Series “Jaws”

City of Winter Park has brought back their successful pool-based
“Dive-In” movie series in the summer, kicking it off with a screening of
cult-favorite, Jaws. The screening was part
of the Parks and Recreation Department’s Family Fun program and was be
hosted at the Cady Way Pool (
2529 Cady Way, Winter Park). It was free and family-friendly if your kids
can handle animatronic sharks eating people.

The inflatable movie screen was on the smallish side and we had to wait for it to get dark enough for the movie to start. There was plenty of people watching and I sketched in the pool and life guard before the opening scene. Kids crowded around the screen with pool noodles and one flamingo inner tube.

This is the perfect movie to watch while floating since many of director Stephen Spielberg‘s camera shots are from inches above the water right before the shark attacks. Perhaps some of the shark shock factor has worn off over the years since this is a film screened as often as the Wizard of Oz. But when the driving beat on on John Williams score begins I still get a chill up my spine. I appreciate chief Brody’s problem with residents sitting right in front of him when he is trying to check for sharks. You would be amazed how often people stand right in front of me while I am working, forcing me to look over around or through them to keep sketching.

I loved reading about how this film was made. The mechanical shark seldom worked which might account for how seldom it is seen. Just the logistics of filming on a tiny boat is enough to make anyone sea sick. Then, as well, the weather seldom assisted in the shooting schedule.

What made the pool side screening truly amazing is that there was free popcorn and drinks available. Who could ask for more.