Vampire’s Ball

There was a media preview of Vampire Ball at the Orlando Ballet building near Lake Ivanhoe. I arrived a bit early and hung out with several reporters in the lobby. I looked down a long hallway which had a large puddle which was being mopped up. The building is below the water level of Lake Ivanhoe so the water keeps seeping in. At the top of the open staircase several young dancers were using the railing to balance as they stretched. I entered the room where the preview was being staged and I started blocking in the room before the reporters entered.

Robert Hill the Ballet’s Artistic Director introduced the show. The choreography is all original as a matter of fact they are still polishing dances right up until the show opens. All of the dancers lined up chorus line style and each introduced themselves and said where they came from. The first dance had a Frankenstein theme. A dancer lay prone on a coffee table and the mad scientist brought him to life. Another dance had a sinister vampire who seduced his victims through dance. On the sidelines there was a large cast of dancers who watched as they stretched. They all came on stage for a huge zombie fight scene. The zombies fought as if in a neighborhood turf war.

Whenever I’m alone with you played and a young couple in love danced and embraced. All of the choreography was fluid, well staged and exciting. This was modern ballet with an edge. It was visceral and exciting. The Vampire’s Ball is being performed October 21-23. This is a show I certainly don’t want to miss.

The Abbey

Yelp was promoting its new “Culture Club” campaign with a kick off party at the Abbey. When I entered the venue, I saw Kelly DeWayne Richards sitting at the bar so I went over to say hello. He was dressed all in black with a red tie and stylish fedora. I know Kelly from his Sunday morning cabaret performances at the Parliament House. This is the one place where I occasionally get up to sing. It turns out Kelly is now performing at “Musical Mondays” which start at 7pm each week at the Abbey. He was told about the gig just two days before his first performance and had just nine people the first night. I want to get out to the next “Musical Monday” and I know the place will be packed.

The Yelp event featured several performances. Altar Boyz sang flamboyant religious themed songs. They had plenty of pep, but left me cold. The Orlando Ballet performed a piece from the upcoming “Vampire’s Ball.” Robert Hill, the artistic director, explained that in horror films there is always a young innocent couple who is unaware of any danger since they are so in love. The young dancers performed a sensual dance that expressed their longing. It was the undeniable highlight of the evening.

Then Kelly’s baby grand piano was wheeled on the stage. He explained to the audience that he was there to set the mood, so people continued to mingle as he played. He began with “The Piano Man” by Billy Joel. The lights in the room were constantly on the move, switching from reds to blues. I considered going to sketch at the Comedy Improv Festival after I finished up at the Abbey but Terry fired off a text asking when I would be coming home. I decided to call it a night. I typed Hh (heading home) into my cell. She wasn’t there.