Art Deco Urban Sketch Weekend in Miami.

The Orlando and Miami branches of Urban Sketchers collaborated to host a sketch crawl at Miami’s 41st Annual Art Deco Weekend on January 21st to the 14th. It is a long drive to Miami and when Pam Schwartz and I arrived, the sketchers were already finishing up a sketch of a beach side life guards station. Pam and I went down to the beach to dip our toes in the ocean.

When the gathering of several dozen artists moved to a new location, we joined them. I sat down to sketch the Edison and Breakwater Hotels. A vintage orange and white car was parked in front of the hotels. As the sun set, the Art Deco hotels lit up, creating an amazing bright contrast to the dark ultramarine sky.

Pam and I were seated next to a small courtyard where a pink ribbon was tied across the top of a staircase. It turns out we were at the event’s ribbon cutting. South Beach’s mayor came out to cut the ribbon to officially open the Art Deco Weekend. A man started taking to Pam saying that I would sketch so much better if I was high. He opened his palm and offered her some marijuana buds. She declined.

The crowd gathering for the Mayor got in the way of my seeing the scene I was sketching. I patiently looked between people and around butts to draw what I could see at any given moment. The Mayor invited the artist who painted the poster for the Art Deco weekend to the stage. The mayor in a three piece suit, announced the artist saying, “This is how an artist dresses for an event like this.” He got a few laughs from the crowd. The artist, Michael Young from Kansas City, was in khaki shorts and a t-shirt.