The Infected

New York City rats carry COVID-19 and could be a risk to humans. A study published March 9, 2023 in the American Society for MicrobiologymBio,” determined that the rats could be infected with the Alpha, Delta and Omicron variants.

The rat samples were collected in the fall of 2021. The team set up two trappings near locations surrounding wastewater systems and captured 79 rats from three sites in and around city parks in Brooklyn in the fall of 2021, when Delta was dominant. 13 rats tested positive for the virus. The researchers also determined which specific variants could infected the vermin. the study “highlights the need for further monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 in rat populations to determine if the virus is circulating in the animals and evolving into new strains that could pose a risk to humans,” Dr. Henry Wan, the study’s principal investigator warned. “Overall, our work in this space shows that animals can play a role in pandemics that impact humans, and it’s important that we continue to increase our understanding so we can protect both human and animal health,” he said.

By giving wild rats samples of different variants through the nose, the researchers also found that Alpha, Delta, and Omicron were able to infect the rats.

The National Library of Medicine published an article that concluded that Omicron could have evolved in another mammalian host like mice or rats. Omicron contains a large number of mutations that are rare in other known human variants. Scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences now report that they have found a pattern of mutations in Omicron that is typical of a virus that has infected mice. They believe SARS-CoV-2 jumped from a human to a mouse in mid-2020, then back into a human in late 2021.

Mayor Eric Adams declared a war on NYC rats as the vermin sightings soared into the thousands.