Eye of Ian

The 24 hour leading up to Hurricane Ian making landfall were stressful for all on the south west coast.Early projections showed the storm would hit up near Tampa, Florida. I have a sister who lives in Port Charlotte and she lived through Hurricane Charley back in August of 2004. In that hurricane she hunkered down in a bathtub and the winds ripped off the roof of her home. Charlie was also supposed to head up to Tampa but it hooked off at the last minute and tore right through Port Charlotte.

There was a mandatory evacuation for the zone she lived in with Hurricane Ian. I asked her to come to our guest bedroom in Orlando but she really can’t travel that far. She therefor moved to a neighbors house which was larger and had a generator. The home was maybe a mile from where she lived at the end of a canal. Early reports are that her home suffered only minor damage and a tarp has already been put on the roof. Storm surge waters had water coming right up to her front and back doorways but it stopped short of going inside her home. A fence was blown down and there are trees down in the neighborhood. Ironically her umbrella style clothes line went unscathed. Power has been down.

The local sports complex is offering ice and large container of water as well as several BBQ dinners. That was the first hot meal since Wednesday. The primary concerns seem to be no hot water and no gas for the grill. Everything had to be emptied from the fridge since it started to smell.

Here in Orlando we were nervous because there is a large dead tree in the back yard. A neighbor told us it might have been hit by lightning but a contractor said that beetles had killed it. There are vines growing all over the branches and we thought until about a week ago that it was alive. So our concern was that the whole tree could fall.

We lucked out in that only very large branches crashed to the ground during the storm. One fell while our dog was in the yard relieving himself. It missed him. We have been taking clean up slow. Each evening I burn tree limbs in the fire pit rather than waste all that fuel. We lost power for 24 hours and I had to cancel several virtual classes. Our refrigerator contents were moved to a building with a generator and promptly returned once power came back on.

Pam has had of deal with endless repair work because of water leaks in the History museum and the off site storage facility. I experienced a horrible irregular heart beat in the mad rush to clean the yard prior to the storm. I suddenly realize I am not as spry as I used to be. I have been taking the clean up of dead branches slow and steady in the mean time. My mini bon fires make it a more relaxing project.


This statue called “Muse of Discovery”  in Lake Eola Park survived the rising flood waters as Lake Eola overflowed it’s banks due to the incredible amount of rainfall from Hurricane Ian. The flood water rose right to the base of the small hill in which she is wedged. Unfortunately she could not survive the incredibly stupid and irresponsible parents who allowed their daughter to paint the eyebrows and lips of the stature after the storm waters subsided.

I chose this spot to sketch with my weekend warrior Urban sketching student. Children clamored all over the statue while we sketched and I believe that is what is intended by the artist since the statue is so low to the ground. It is a favorite selfie and family photo spot.

However one dumb ass mom and dad allowed her daughter to start face painting the statue. When I am Urban sketching I tend to ignore areas where people block the view of my intended subject. So while this family was crowded around the face, I was sketching trees and background foliage.

At one point a parks worker approached the family and said, “please don’t let her do that, I will just have to come back and scrub it off.” The dad said something to the daughter and she tried to wipe the lips clean with her elbow. It was only after the family left that I noticed that one eyebrow was bright yellow and the other a faint purple. I had drawn the face prior to the family vandalism and it hadn’t been like that when I first sketched it.

So that became the lesson for the day. If you sit in one place long enough to do a sketch, you often get to witness the dumbest members of society teach their kids to do dumb shit.