Beemo Performed at Space Bar.

I was sketching at Pints for Pulse, a fundraiser held at Festiva1 Park (2911 Robinson Street, Orlando FL). in the Milk District. The fundraiser had every micro brewery offering samples for a set admission price. Local bands performed on the main stage. I sketched The City Song Players as they performed “Finger on the Pulse” for the first tin in public. After hearing that song, I decided I had to use it as the soundtrack for a three minute short film I assembled using all the sketches I did of all the vigils and fundraisers after the Pulse tragedy. I’ve been documenting Orlando’s attempts to heal. The arts community has bee instrumental in helping the community heal.

Wendy Wallenberg whisked in behind me as I finished up my sketch. She insisted that I needed to sketch a note event in the more urban and hip area of the Milk District. Her Porsche was parked nearby and she offered to drive me. The drive was only three or four blocks, but it was the scariest drive of my life. Wendy is a frantic speed freak of a driver. It felt like we made the whole trip on two wheels after we careened through the first curve. When skidded to a stop in front of the Space Bar. She told me that I needed to sketch an artist that does paintings with his teeth. I wandered among the tents in the parking lot but didn’t notice anyone painting with their teeth. So I went into the Space Bar and watched Beemo performing. The lead guitarist’s parents were there and the watched as I did the sketch. It was a fun, upbeat performance. Then I walked the few blocks back to Festival Park.

Pints for Pulse: a Community Event.

Festival Park (2911 E. Robinson St., Orlando, Florida), was the site for Pints for Pulse. Tickets were $50. Yo u could sample beers from just about every craft brewery imaginable while helping raise money for the OneOrlando fund. The event’s tag line was…  beer | art | music | you.

This craft beer community event raised money to help the pulse nightclub victims. Over eighty breweries, food trucks, food tents, burlesque shows, drag shows, and many more amazing and wonderful things – all to help raise funds for those affected by the pulse night club tragedy. This fiery burlesque performer swallowed fire for the cause.

All proceeds from this event will go to OneOrlando. I’ve heard the funds from OneOrlando will not be distributed until November. For those who are struggling now there is little peace. Survivors of the Pulse nightclub shootings will have a little more leeway
to qualify for a share of the millions of dollars raised by the
OneOrlando Fund, its board of directors decided late Thursday. Forms should be online at by midday Friday and must be submitted with documentation by Sept. 12.

The money will go only to four groups: the families of the dead,
survivors who were hospitalized, survivors who sought outpatient medical
treatment, and those who were present in the club when the shootings
began but not physically injured.

Families of the dead will receive the most; the share that goes to each subsequent group will be decided next month.

Peace, Love, Pulse!

Pints for Pulse

Pints for Pulse was a community event that featured beer, art, and music at Festival Park (2911 E. Robinson St., Orlando, Florida). It happened to line up with Orlando Drink and Draw (ODD), so I made it the month’s drink on and draw in destination. Tickets however were $50 and I don’t think any artists of he than myself showed up. This was a craft beer community event that raised money to help the pulse nightclub victims. There were 80+ breweries, food trucks, food tents, burlesque shows, drag shows, and  more, all to help raise funds for those affected by the pulse night club tragedy.

When I arrived, I quickly walked around the entire event. Beer vendors were serving shot glass sized servings of beer. I didn’t get a wrist band since I didn’t plan to drink, just sketch. I stopped as soon as I saw these redefine artists hard at work on a collaborative piece of art. They were paint in on square wooden panels and each artist seemed to be in charge of their own panel. Some panels interlocked. For instance the swan engulfed for of the panels along with a lizard. At the end of the day, the entire painting was going to be given to the winner of a raffle drawing. These artists sweated the in butts off to complete This group mural, So whoever won, was getting an amazing painting for next to nothing.

Steve Parker pulled off his panel, so he didn’t have to work shoulder to shoulder the whole day.

Peace, Love, Pulse. All proceeds from this event went to OneOrlando.