
Patricia Charpentier informed me that she was going to participate in MD Anderson Cancer Center’s new Artists-in-Residence program. Her goal will be to enrich cancer patients lives by showing them the importance of telling their life story. She asked me to go to a press conference at the hospital. Around the podium artists’ works were set up on easels. Dr. Clarence Brown III MD, the President and CEO of MD Anderson, introduced Margot Knight, the CEO and President of United Arts. She spoke about how art enriches our lives. Children sing, dance and create with abandon. In many ways, creativity is as important as breathing. She introduced the five or so artists who are spearheading this brand new program. I was surprised when I saw Andrea Canny, a singer and photographer I had met just the night before at a cabaret. Cory Warren of United Arts had done tireless work to make this new program possible.

The LiveStrong grants were awarded to MD Anderson last fall. The LiveStrong organization was founded by cancer survivor Lance Armstrong. The objective being to serve people affected by cancer by empowering them to take action. The Artists-in-residence program will empower patients by becoming absorbed in their own creativity as they meet the challenges of diagnosis, treatment and survorship.