Blue Spring is my “go to” place to bring out of towners .

Cornelia Thorspecken and her daughter Nini came from Germany to visit the Thorspecken’s of America. Terry and I met Cornelia in Germany when Nini was just a baby. I had done a boat load of family history research at the New York Public Library and found the boat manifests for Dr. Augustus Thorspecken who arrived in America in 1854. He left Germany from the port in Bremen, so I searched for modern day Thorspecken’s there. I got in contact with Herbert Thorspecken who was about the age of my dad, and he sent me all the family history notes he had. Herbert was my cousin, and we were related because Dr Augustus left while another brother, stayed in Germany. Herbert was a descendant of the brother who stayed and I’m descended from the Doctor who left. Terry and I visited every living Thorspecken we could find in Germany including Cornelia. Facebook made it easy for Cornelia to do the same in America.

The biggest adventure on the drive up to Blue Spring (2100 W. French Avenue Orange City, FL) was getting gas for Cornelia’s rental car. Cornelia expressed her concern that she couldn’t remember her code for her credit card. The jerk behind the counter gave her a hard time. We drove across the street and the charming Indian clerk asked Cornelia about Germany and explained what her own name meant. It was a good lesson in how intolerance and a power hungry idiot can be quickly out shined by a caring, compassionate and fun clerk.

In Blue Spring, there were a couple of Manatees in the spring. Now that it is so much colder, the Manatees return to the spring in hoards or is it herds? No, actually a group of manatees is called an aggression, which makes little sense since these graceful mammals are never aggressive. Rather aggressive humans are endangering manatees by ripping through peaceful waters with power boats that then cut open the backs of manatees with their props. Most every manatee I have ever seen had multiple lacerations and scars. The manatees return to Blues Spring when it is cold because the spring water is always a balmy 72 degrees as it rises from the earth.

On this sunny day there was a gaggle of humans sunning themselves on the lawn. No a group of humans must be a horde, a huddle, or a crowd. Anyway it was a relaxing afternoon that gave me a chance to learn more about my German cousins. The first thing Nini wanted to do in Orlando was find a Taco Bell. Terry and I were glad to oblige, but its kind of sad that this is the culture that the rest of the world expects from America.

The Winter Park boat tour allows you to peak into the backyards of the rich.

My very distant cousin, Cornelia Thorspecken and her daughter Nini Thorspecken. They are related through my great, great great grandfather, Dr Augustus Thorspecken who sailed to America back in 1854. One of his brothers stayed in Germany and that is who Cornelia and Nini are descendants of. Besides visiting theme parks, Terry and I wanted to suggest a few outings that would give them a taste of real Florida. I joined my cousins on a boat tour of the Winter Park chain of lakes.

Our pontoon boat captain was quite a character. He wore bright yellow suspenders that looked like tape measures. He had stayed in Germany for quite a while after the war and he quizzed my cousins to see if Germany was still the same. His on going monologue was well rehearsed but, I wasn’t that interested in which basketball star owned which lake front mansion. Passing between lakes the boat would glide under small bridges and we all had to duck our heads down.

We met Terry on Park Avenue and strolled along, window shopping. Nini recognized a perfume from the Provence region of France. She wanted to go to a Taco Bell for lunch so her tastes were varied and we were glad to comply. My entire family had rented out a four bedroom timeshare north of Disney and only a short ride from our house, so every night we went there for diner and wine. It was a fun filled week long family reunion.

On another excursion, Terry and I took our German cousins to a wildlife preserve north of Wekiva Springs. On the hike we spotted plenty of birds and I was happy that I got to point out several alligators in the water right off the trail. Cornelia said that she was glad to get a  chance to experience Florida the way it was a hundred years ago.

The Flight Home From Richmond Virginia

The flight back to Orlando from Richmond Virginia was pretty uneventful. I sketched the airport waiting area before we boarded the plane. I’m always surprised how many people are always staring at their phones. This week the Thorspecken clan are visiting Orlando from Germany, Connecticut, Upstate New York and Charleston South Carolina. They are all staying in a double suite  at a hotel only a quarter of a mile from home. The second they arrived they all were scrambling to get their digital devices hooked up to the web. Once dinner was over, the room went silent as everyone took out their phones to get “connected”. It had been many years since everyone had been together. When I travel, I still write a post every day but I make it a rule not to share my experiences on Facebook. Terry has followed my lead, since writing experiences on Facebook is like announcing that “I’m not home, please take all I own.”

My brother Don Thorspecken had over 500 photos on his tablet from a trip he took to Germany to visit Cornelia and Nini Thorspecken. We are related to Cornelia through Dr. Augustus Thorspecken who came to America in the 1830’s. His brother remained in Germany and Cornelia is related through him.  Years ago Terry and I traveled to Germany where we met every Thorspecken we could find. Flipping through the digital photos, history came alive. Dr. Oscar Thorspecken helped save Jews destined for the work camps by making it appear like they were sick. Oscar’s wife however was all for the Nazi party, proud that her son was in the war. This caused a rift in the family. Shortly after the war, one of the sons was hiking in the mountains where he was murdered for his  camera. Cornelia is a professional flute player who kept the Thorspecken name, even after she was married. I was most excited by photos Don took of photo albums he was shown in Germany. This put a face to the stories. My father pushed into Germany at the end of World War II crossing the Ruhr river and moving through the industrial district towards Berlin. He said once that he saw the Thorspecken name on a storefront. On my trip I met Herbert who served in the Luftwaffe. It is a small world. Basically every war is a civil war with distant cousin fighting cousin.