What the Constitution Means to Me.

The posters I created for the Orlando Shakes are starting to appear with online variations. What the Constitution Means to Me is a truly inspired one woman show written by Heidi Schreck.

Heidi brings the audience back to when she was 15 years old and gave talks about the constitution at competitions held at American Legion Halls for prize money. She presented the constitution as a hot sweaty document that recognized that the person you are today might not the be person you are in the future. For all its short comings, the Constitution presents hope that it can and will evolve. I teared up every time I watched the play, there is a visceral joy in the hope that we can evolve.

Becky Baird will be playing the lead part. I had no idea what Becky looked like since she was not yet cast for the part when I created the poster, but I must say the smile on my poster is a close match to her smile. Any time I see a new actor taking on such an ambitious role, I feel inspired. It takes bravery just to audition, but to tackle such a large sweeping role is beyond brave. It reminds me that I need to keep putting myself out there. The creative process is a long road and seldom traveled on a straight line.

This poster evolved quite a bit as it was created and faced approvals. I will share those variations over the next few days. I was just so happy to see The Constitution make an appearance online that I had to share. Tickets are on sale now.

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