Maitland Art Center Demo

This sketch was done as a demo for one of my students. It was a nice day, cool and sunny. We did several sketched on the property.

I am always stressing the importance of perspective when doing a sketch on location. The sign in the foreground and the building inn the background have the same vanishing point. The fact that the vanishing point is off the pace often throws a beginning sketcher.

There is also a vanishing point off the page to the right which defines that sidewalk triangle shape in the lower right corner and the angles in the roadway.

Now that I am on my own, I am feeling the need to get out and sketch on location more often. The trouble is that most days I teach until 8pm and most events start earlier.

I might just start doing nocturnal digital paintings after 8pm. I am thinking I can go to event venues and sketch from outside. A COVID cautious artist doing outsider views of crowded venues might be interesting. I used to document each hellish superspreader event, but those are happening every day now.

Yesterday I started designing the COVID Dystopia book. The format I am considering is a hardbound book 10 1/4 by 13 1/4 inches. Learning InDesign is proving problematic. I have the cover set up but there are many technical issues I need to address. I made a mistake downsizing cover art, and now it is pixelated. Well. if I can teach myself Premiere and After Effects, I should be able to tackle InDesign.