Royal Pets

This was a portrait done for a friend who always wanted a royal portrait with her dogs.The black dog in particular looks very regal. The other pup is disinterested.

I have been told such royal portraits are quite sought after so I gave it a try. The crown is from another painting I did for the Orlando Shakespeare Theater. This is one advantage of digital painting in that you can recycle props.

Of course part of me wanted to add a COVID virus hidden somewhere in the picture but I resisted.

This morning as I tried to log onto this website to write an article I got a message that said: “Error establishing a database connection.” Who knows what that means but it is the equivalent of the Blue Screen of death. In panic mode I started researching all the myriad of steps I might have to take to get access to my creative content once again.

I texted my friend as well and she got on the case. She knows I have a tendency to scramble down the rabbit hole imaging the worst possible scenarios. My credit card info for the domain was out of date so I updated that information. But what if this was some sort of scam malware that forced me to enter financial information?

My friend got on a message board or chat with the site hosting company and managed to find out that the glitch was on their side having to do with server encryption communication protocols or something, or the other. It is all Greek to me.

Bottom line my friend got the site back on line by asking the right people the right questions.