Medical Checkup: Ho

I went in for a check up so I can have prescriptions filled.The doctor I saw for years retired and the second doctor I was going to see left the practice. I got a letter say he was returning, but he would not take my medical insurance. So I had to get by with what is available and that is this small clinic on Mills Avenue near Wills pub. The exterior is run down but the waiting room was freshly furnished.

I rushed to get a sketch done. I always think there is time to sketch when in a waiting room. I was called in just before finishing the line work.

In the much smaller exam room I looked around for any sign of HEPA filtration. There was non. The assistant wore a baggy blue surgical mask which is better than nothing.

One procedure was done. Jelly was smeared on my ankles and an ultrasound was dome to check if blood flow was good to the extremities. A blood pressure inflatable collar was wrapped around the ankle and tightened while listening to my heart beat. I have heard baby’s heart beat with that slithering whaoa whapa sound but never my own. The collar was inflated until my heart bet was silenced. It is kind of unnerving to listen to your heart beat getting choked off. Anyway I seem to have a decent heart beat in my ankles.

I need to get blood work done and a box is being mailed to my place. I am supposed to poop in the box and send it off to a lab to check for colon cancer.

The mask less Doctor Ho asked what I do and so I showed her the sketch. She shared it with the receptionists who are hidden behind the large computer monitors.