COVID Dystopia: Virus Over Manhattan

In this shot from COVID Dystopia, a huge virus enters screen left and settled in over Manhattan. Animation was done in After Effects. The only possible thing that could make ths shot better would be for the shadows of the skyscrapers to change as the virus settles over Manhattan. I don’t think that is needed however.

I have one more day of working on a shot that has given me hell. I will write about the trails and tribulations tomorrow. Today I should be moving the last of the art and a filing cabinet into the studio. Then I can relax and start hanging paintings. I also have a small Mexican fire pit int he backyard and I plan to burn some paper items from my past.

I have started putting events on my calendar which should be good to sketch. Since I am animating I keep canceling any sketch outings.

I arranged all my sketchbooks chronologically yesterday. They were well organized through 2016 but then the system had been abandoned. I decided to arrange the books bases on the date of the last sketch in the sketchbook. I think the sketchbooks b=prior to 2016 had been arranged according to the date of the first sketch in the sketch books. I have a sketchbook in my bag now that was started way back in 1981. It fell off my bike as I was starting a cross country bike trip. Someone found it in the snow and packed it away in their garage. 30 years later they realized the book was signed and they returned it. When I finish the last sketch in that sketchbook the date of the last sketch will affect how I catalogue it. Is this the right system? I don;t know. Life is short beginning or end of a sketchbook, even with a 30 year gap is a infinitesimal fraction of time.