Pittsburgh Shorts Script Competition

After watching the first block of films there was a script reading competition in the building right next to the Harris Theater. The woman handling tickets and concessions was the only other person wearing a KN-95 mask. I gave her one of my COVID themed buttons figuring she might wear it someday as people become aware of the lasting damage being done by the virus. Probably thanks to her there was a small HEPA air filter in the lobby area outside the theater.

Actors were still rehearsing the scripts as the audience gathered in the lobby. There were groups of 4 or 5 actors to read each of the scripts. The part of the narrator often involved the most reading.

The script which won the competition had a champion boxing coach and a young woman. She was reluctant to hit the boxing bag hard but which his encouragement she bean weaving and hitting harder. The emotional core of this short was that she had an untold back story. That back story must have involved physical abuse because she started hitting the bag with every ounce of energy she had. Someone from her past deserved a beating.

The guy seated in front of me in the blue hoodie shot video footage of the reading of his girlfriend’s script reading. After the script readings everyone returned to the Harris Theater for the awards ceremony.