Disney Feature Animation Internship: Stationary Bikes

At Epcot I sketched the stationary bikes. I didn’t actually peddle a bike myself, I was more interested in the people working so hard to go nowhere.

In the animation studio, I finished my quadruped walk. I had the hind legs stop and the torso stretched until  the back legs and hips snapped forward to knock the Centaur over. It was a lazy cheat, but I got some laughs. Then we started on a layout assignment. Layouts are the drawings used to paint the backgrounds. I though I might like this since I am always sketching people in interesting locations. Something about sketching a location without hint of humanity threw me off. Drawing people is what attracts me to start sketching most scenes. The idea of sketching empty rooms just didn’t appeal to me.

I just didn’t know exactly where I should fit in. I was offered a position as an effects artist and I turned it down. Maybe that was my calling and I just didn’t see it. I stuck with character animation.