COVID Dystopia: At Iowa Independent Film Festival

COVID Dystopia will be screening at the Iowa Independent Film Festival on September 6, 2024. The festival has been in existence for 17 years.

The primary reason I submitted to this festival was that one of the board members is names Chris P. Chicken.

Today I have to firm up travel plans. I already spent a night looking a lodging and found a great place. I just need to book the flight and lodging. I always travel to Film Festivals that showcase COVID Dystopia. It is a great excuse to travel places I never would have gone and meet other film makers.

The other films in the time slot my film is being shown in are: Masterpiece (3 minutes) and  Masterpiece is actually shorter than my film which runs 4 minutes and 17 seconds) Knee High (1 hour 53 minutes) fills out the remainder of the film block.

Should you find yourself in Clear Lake Iowa on September 6, stop on by and say hello. There is a director’s question and answer session after the screening so it is a rare chance to hear why I felt this film needed to be made.