Fringe: The Process is Ugly

The Process is Ugly presented by The Scrappy Batch at this year’s Fringe was the hardest hitting emotional show I have seen this year. It is a one woman show that delves into the attempts at emotional recovery after physical harassment.

Daniella Ross was groped at work and she responded with a solid punch to the fellow employee. She and the employee were temporarily layed off. She later found out the male employee was layed off for much less time.

She decided to try an Eat, Pray. Love style recovery by traveling to an exotic location to practice yoga and holistic living. That lifestyle didn’t suit her. Her brain raced during meditation. Then during yoga the male instructors felt the need to correct her poses. The first instructor just uses the base of his hand but the second flat out grabbed her. She overheard him during lunch saying essentially that he could grab practitioners any way he liked. As an audience member I felt the anger. Why can’t people just respect the personal space of others?

I felt the most magical moment came when the show was over. This was a the first time she was performing the show at Fringe. She stood in front of the audience and said, “What do I do now?” What she had shared was so raw and emotional. She began to explain how certain conversations were verbatim what had transpired. She got choked up as she explained. The emotions were still raw and very real. This is the magic of live theater, sometimes it hits a nerve so tender and universal that the whole audience identifies intimately. I give the show 4 yoga mats.

The Process is Ugly is in the Scarlet venue and rated 18 and up. It has a run time of 60 minutes. Tickets  are $15.

The remaining show times are…

  • Saturday May 25, 4:20pm
  • Sunday May 26, 5:45pm