Fringe: The City Beautiful

On the evening of my Fringe film premiere, dancers from The City Beautiful dropped off cards and talked about the show as we drank beer at the beer tent. Now Pam is the director of the Orange County Regional History Center so of course she would be curious about the history being presented.

The show was presented in the green venue which was packed to the overflowing. Pam and I were the only ones masked up. The show was more of a musical than a burlesque show, though pasties did appear a few times. One singer, Marissa was a lead in the Key of E which was very familiar with since a singe from that show was the backbone of the soundtrack for the short film I just finished. As always she belted out the songs with professional aplomb.

The history seemed to jump around quite a bit. Some momentum was lost as dancers were asked to simply read from the history book. The show does have a lot of potential however and I am glad I had a chance to see it. I have lost practice in sketching inside a dark theater but I just had to accept what I could do.