Pandemic Film: No Escape Depth

I kept camera movement in this prison shot prison shot rather limited since the prison bars would warp to allow for some depth of field. In my painting I unfortunately drew the prison bars on the same level as the virus. I could achieve much more depth if I took the time to separate the bars from the virus. That would allow me to move the bars and prisoner completely independent of the cell behind them. I could then do a depth map just for the virus and the room and a separate depth map for the prisoner and bars. Those tow could then be combined in the final comp with a green screen.

However all those steps take time and for a shot that lasts less than a second, I am debating if all the extra work will be noticed. I will be doing a series of shot today that are very complicated which are close ups on peoples faces. I need to invest the time I have in the shot where the effect will be most noticeable.

I am keeping a mental list of the shots I would like to go back and tweak and make better. I will only go back however after all the shots are complete. I have to keep moving forward to hit the May 11, 2023 final film render date. I tried to render the film midway through the process and the render stalled. It is a strange leap of faith to do all this work with the possibility that the digital gods may thwart a final render. Anyway no time to think about that now. Forward.