It’s not a wildfire, it’s a different type of fire that looks like a wildfire!

The Chinese government announced that they may provide weapons to Russia. The US propaganda machine therefor decided it is once again time to demonize China and the Chinese. The Wall Street Journal reported on February 26, 2023 that the United States Department of Energy (DOE) concluded that the virus likely stemmed from a lab leak in China. From the onset of the pandemic, questions emerged about the virus’ origins with two leading theories typically dominating the scientific community.

Most scientists initially believed the virus was likely transmitted to “patient zero” via a bat in an open-air market in Wuhan. However, a second theory that the virus could have been man-made and leaked from a nearby lab also gained traction, in the United States.

The report did not confirm or show evidence of conspiracy theories that have spread on social media amid the pandemic, including that the virus was made as a biological weapon or that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was involved in the leak.

So far there is no “smoking gun.” Regardless of how the virus started, the wildfire has spread around the world unchecked. Gaslighting from public officials today is aimed at convincing everyone needs to “live with the virus”. That however equated to over 500 people a week dying from the virus. There is no push for masking or air purification in public buildings. Living with the virus equals death and disability.