One MILLION N-95 Masks

On Twitter some anti-science conspiracy theorist was offering money for people to stop following Tern, a Twitter user who follows the latest COVID research. People kept writing in to see just how much money was being offered. Of course the anti science nerd had no actual figure in mind.

Then my diabolical mind started spinning, Just how much would it take for me to completely ignore the science and return to life as normal as if the virus didn’t exist? I decided my price would be one MILLION N-95 masks. Even the science deniers might have a turn of mind as people keep dying around them. Of course many science deniers have already died.

A study found that twice as many Republicans have died of COVID than Democrats. A refusal to take a simple vaccine is the major cause of those deaths.e

Of course 1,099,866 masks would have been preferable. One for each person in America who died needlessly from an airborne virus. Their lives are worth an unimaginable fortune.