Masks Work

Masks Work. Should you ever make that statement, or happen to do a painting of someone in a mask. You would be shocked at the number of selfish sheep that start baa-ing about their freedom. They are all quite arrogant, ignorant, and boring, only talking about themselves with no concern for others.

Here is a simple check list to remind you what is gong on, should you be one of the 10% who are paying attention…

  1. You can catch COVID multiple times. Sometimes just weeks apart.
  2. Re-infections are common and not rare.
  3. Breaktrough infections are common.
  4. COVID can cause brain damage.
  5. COVID can cause blood clots vascular damage and heart attacks.
  6. Children are the primary spreaders of the disease. Children will suffer long term consequences along with adults.
  7. Vaccines help prevent death but not infection.
  8. COVID can kill you months after you “recover”.
  9. Social distancing works, but the virus is airborne and can travel much further than 6 feet.
  10. Masks work.

Those who are re-infected more than double their chance of death and they triple their chance of hospitalization.  They are also three times more likely to develop lung problems and 60% more likely to develop neurological disorders. Those who are catching COVID over and over are destroying their immune systems along with their heard and minds.