COVID Resistance is NOT Futile

COVID-19 resistance is futile. The infected want to see you infected. Some think it is their moral obligation to make sure you become infected. From the top down humanity is being sacrificed to help corporations and the economy. It started with a campaign to infect all children. That campaign is close to completion with 98% of children in the United States infected.

When the COVID Borg see any individual taking any form of protection from the virus they move in to infect any soul that still thinks for themselves. Masks are a sure sign that you are a thinking, sentient being, and not a part of the mindless collective. Personally I am upgrading to a quality N95 mask but you, do you if you fear being different.

Mass infection is being promoted under the false theory of “immunity debt“. The idea behind this, is that children should get infected to pay the debt for adults inability to follow simple health precautions. People were told the lie that children are perfectly safe from the virus and they were sent back to crowded poorly ventilated, classrooms to infect one another. Those children then went on to infect their parents and grand parents. The children will suffer the same consequences of repeat infections of COVID, with damage to lungs, blood vessels, heart and mind. They might not die immediately but their life expectancy is being diminished.

People were told the lie that an infection would build immunity. They are being encouraged to get sick to become healthy. Amazingly some people believe this sort of insane reasoning. The problem is that immunity is short lived and second and third infections result in increasingly worse outcomes. Immune systems are being destroyed by the virus making infections to other pathogens like the flu and RSV more common and with worse outcomes.

Some Borg try to claim that COVID is natural and therefor good for you. Infectious diseases are natural, but they aren’t good for you. If avoiding the pathogen all together is not a viable option, the next best option is to get the immunity without getting the infection. That’s what vaccines do.

Someone should explain to the Borg that herd immunity is impossible. Since so many people have been convinced to not get vaccinated the virus will be around forever. There remain plenty of people to infect. The previously infected and vaccinated are both being re-infected. The only difference is that the vaccinated are not having to go to hospitals. Only a precious few have remained uninfected. So when does the nightmare end. The fast is, as long as COVID minimizes keep spinning their lies, it doesn’t.