
I was teaching students how to do contour drawings and in the Zoom classroom everyone showed their pups to fellow classmates. I explained that I always share aspects of my life with sketches. So I took my iPad classroom into the living room and started to sketch Sprout who was napping on the couch. I was afraid he might be hard to draw since he isn’t used to my being in the living room during class, but her was a trooper and gave me plenty of time to sketch him.

The main point of the sketch was that each line that went on the page was drawn while I stared at the subject. I never watched my hand as it put lines on the page. This is critical to allow the lines to meander and remain open ended. The one temptation to look at the page is to close off a shape. A contour drawing will often not have closed off shapes.

Since my student work a little slower than i do, I went ahead and added some color.