Lake Lorna Doone: The Meadow

The Ideas HIVE has been planning the the pollinator garden, park improvement concept which is planned for the south west corner of the park. The IDEAS Hive is an interdisciplinary, inter-generational community Think + Do Tank designed to educate the public about sustainability and develop their ideas into local action projects. The IDEAS Hive is designed to transform communities to advance positive change.

In this particular illustration I had included an inset of a bee pollinating a flower. This was a macro view making the bee look as large as the children. It turns out having a six foot bee in the scene is rather unsettling. Other insects like the butterfly and dragon fly also had to be reduced in size. I simply got rid of the bee so no one could be stung.

On the shore, a fisherman is testing the waters. Several kids are playing on a natural log climbing area. The meadow is an area that would be allowed to grow naturally. A white picked fence is planned to keep over zealous city maintenance workers from mowing the meadow down. I am left wondering how much of this will become a reality. It would certainly be an improvement if it does.

Nature walks are already being offered to kids aged 5 to 10 at Lake Lorna Doone Park.