Chasing the Virus

Scientists keep trying to keep up with the rapidly changing COVID-19 virus but it keeps mutating faster than they can develop new and more effective vaccines. With the rise of BA5 which can better evade immune protection, we could be facing a perfect storm. Travel over the July 4th holiday rose back to pre-pandemic levels. About 2.5 million people went through airport security check points. It was the largest travel weekend since the start of the pandemic.  With transmission levels high, large numbers of people traveling, and shifting attitudes about the pandemic, and the BA5 which has been shown to increase hospitalizations in several countries around the world. The pandemic is not done with us.

Vaccines seem to always be a step behind the virus. Boosters are becoming less effective against avoiding infection. Anti-vax misinformation has lead to vaccine uptake in the United States being lax at best. 90 million doses of vaccine have been thrown out in the United States because it went unused or expired. Variant specific boosters will likely never keep up with the fast COVID mutations. By the time a BA5 specific booster is developed there will likely already be a BA6 and BA7 variant that will completely change the playing field.

When first introduced the vaccines seemed like the ultimate solution. However with the rapid mutation of the virus it seems protection from infection may only last several months at best. Waning immunity and immune evasion are causing a continual rise in hospitalization. Chasing variants is not the solution. The dogs of science will never catch that rabbit.