Pandemic Pose

One each series of classes at Crealde School of Art we focus on drawing people and I have the students each take a 5 minute pose. My goal in doing a five minute demo is to show them how to quickly block in a pose and add watercolor as well to tie it together. Sometimes I run out of time but I will keep throwing color washes on the page as the next pose starts.

Each pose is like a race, trying to get enough information on the page in the time allotted. Not every student can finish a pose in five minutes but at least they know it is possible. If there aren’t many students then we branch off and start sketching on property. They are encouraged to sketch fellow students and hopefully the proportions and lesson on gesture is enough to get them to give it a try.

Last weekend my students did an amazing job of sketching smaller pieces on property. Each student finished about half of a page worth of sketches and we will resume right where they left off. This teaches them that direct observation is always desired and you can return to a site as often as you like. Just look how often Monet painted a hay stack.

Once the world opens back up after the pandemic, my students will be ready to document life in their sketchbooks as a potential roaring 20s era begins. I am teaching them to be sloppy and spontaneous as they sketch everyday events.