Costumes of the 30s and 40s at The Lake Mary Historical Museum.

The Lake Mary Historical Museum (158 North Country Club Road) has an exhibit of Halloween costumes from the 1930 to the 1940s. The exhibit runs through October 24th. Though some are thread bare, they often are accompanied by historic photos of children wearing the costumes. The little devil costume is truly creepy. There were demonic clown costumes and also assorted African masks displayed throughout the museum.

On the elevated platform I sketched, there were objects of Victorian mourning. In the display case were gorgeous jewelry items woven from a dead loved one’s hair. There was also a small glass vile which was intended to hold the tears of mourning. Once the tears evaporated the period of mourning could be considered complete. A wicker coffin predominated the staging area. Such wicker baskets were used to hold the departed while they were still in the home. The black dress was to be worn by a widow. Queen Elizabeth set the standard for mourning when she wore a black dress every day of the rest of her life after her Prince Albert died.

Tonight, October 21 will feature a Magical Evening at The
Enchanted Museum
A new, fresh and contemporary
Halloween Adventure for the whole family, featuring
Orlando‘s Original Steampunk Storytelling Troupe, Phantasmagoria Orlando. Experience the mystery, fun, spooky
moments and much more, all in one place.
Call for ticket information: 407-585-1481