#DisarmHate Art Expression at Falcon Bar.

#Disarm Hate is an art show at Falcon Bar, (819 E Washington St, Orlando, FL) in which local artists address the issue of rampant gun violence in America. Since the 49 Pulse Portraits of Pulse victims was created at Falcon Bar, it seemed appropriate to hang them for this show. Melissa Marie hung the portraits clothes line style on string I had provided using electrical clamps. She didn’t peal the name tags off the backs of the sketches, so I did the when I arrived at the opening. People would stop and linger, looking at all the faces be for they would make their way to the bar to order a drink. 

Artist Plineo Pinto sold a watercolor of someone who was shot by an arrow and the Pulse logo was under the wound. H had a red dot when I arrived. The commission that The Falcon collects on art sales will be donated to 501(c)(3) Nonprofit http://PulseOfOrlando.org/

Artist Holly Tharp was at the opening. She had two pieces in the show, one of a woman collapsed over a gun’s bullet cylinder and the other of a Buddah. Melissa Doskotz had a beautiful rainbow colored heart made from thin Strips of paper curled with interlacing spirals in a shadow box frame. That piece as just $270 which is a steal. All of the 49 Portraits can be seen in the short video, “Finger o the Pulse” but there is nothing like seeing the art is person. The art will continue to be on display until September 9, 2016.